
Fund for the School District

The ideas being considered at the School District of Philadelphia required money, and lots of it, at a time when a cratering economy was and is devastating state and local budgets. That’s when the Fund for the School District of Philadelphia announced that it had received a $5 million contribution from Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, […]

Equal Justice Center

Legal services only work when those who need them most can access them. Only about 20 percent of low-income Philadelphians currently have access to lawyers to navigate high-stakes situations that jeopardize their families, jobs, homes, and lives. Legal issues rarely exist in a vacuum. And when Philadelphians face issues like domestic violence, wrongful eviction, or […]

Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS)

Its transformational population health approach focuses on social determinants: the broad, underlying reasons that some individuals are more at risk than others for behavioral health concerns. This approach allows DBHIDS to reach people before a behavioral health crisis arises and work toward eliminating stigma and health disparities among different groups. Since 2016, Sage has worked […]

Pennsylvania Humanities Council (PHC)

The truth is that the humanities use history, arts, culture, literature, and conversation to help us make sense of the world we live in—and that the humanities belong to all of us. To create a new communications strategy for the Council, we started with perceptions research to see what Pennsylvanians know—and don’t know—about the humanities. […]

New Leash on Life

We’re also passionate about redemption and second chances. That’s why when New Leash on Life USA was ready to take its work to the next level, Sage was a perfect match to help develop and implement a strategic communications plan. New Leash matches prison inmates with at-risk shelter dogs for 12 weeks. The soon-to-be-released incarcerated […]

Shared Prosperity Philadelphia

That’s why, in 2013, then-Mayor Nutter’s administration developed a five-goal strategy, Shared Prosperity Philadelphia, through the Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment & Opportunity (CEO). The plan, now overseen by the Kenney administration, seeks to engage all Philadelphians in increasing opportunities and improving the quality of life for low-income families and individuals. We created a message […]

Jefferson College of Nursing

Even worse, there are few local options for care and prevention services. What the community needs—according to the Jefferson College of Nursing (JCN)—is a nurse-led health and wellness center to provide primary care and services, including behavioral health, nutrition education, smoking/drug cessation programming, and more. Sage worked with a team of Jefferson Nurses on a […]