
Fund for the School District

The ideas being considered at the School District of Philadelphia required money, and lots of it, at a time when a cratering economy was and is devastating state and local budgets. That’s when the Fund for the School District of Philadelphia announced that it had received a $5 million contribution from Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, […]


They have been relentless when it comes to advocating for the health, safety, and dignity of older adults from all socioeconomic, racial, and cultural backgrounds. The horrific, exploding number of deaths in Pennsylvania nursing homes from coronavirus called for transparency and public disclosure about COVID-19 in each facility, including the number of cases among residents […]

Sidney Kimmel Foundation

Sidney Kimmel is one of the country’s top philanthropists. He has not only committed to the Buffet and Gates Giving Pledge, he is also one of the few philanthropists to fulfill it during his lifetime. Sage has been honored to work with Mr. Kimmel and his foundation over the last five years to help announce […]

Department of Health and Human Services

The Philadelphia Youth Residential Placement Task Force was formed in June 2018 and composed of leaders from the City, including the Department of Human Services, the Public Defender’s Office, and City Council, among others. Their final report served as a means to urge local officials to reduce the number of youths put in institutions in […]

The School District of Philadelphia

But in Philadelphia, where a 25% poverty rate ranks highest among the United States’ biggest cities, too many students and families face food insecurity and lack opportunities for regular physical activity. The result? Higher rates of absenteeism, behavioral problems, developmental delays, and lower grades and test scores. The School District of Philadelphia’s SNAP-Ed Program has […]

Community Design Collaborative

In 2005, one of Philadelphia’s most creative nonprofits, the Community Design Collaborative, developed a program that brings together talented minds to address the city’s most pressing issues with innovative design solutions. The William Penn Foundation funded the thinking, the Collaborative brought it to life, and Sage helped to build a brand for “Infill Philadelphia.” Over […]

Equal Justice Center

Legal services only work when those who need them most can access them. Only about 20 percent of low-income Philadelphians currently have access to lawyers to navigate high-stakes situations that jeopardize their families, jobs, homes, and lives. Legal issues rarely exist in a vacuum. And when Philadelphians face issues like domestic violence, wrongful eviction, or […]

Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS)

Its transformational population health approach focuses on social determinants: the broad, underlying reasons that some individuals are more at risk than others for behavioral health concerns. This approach allows DBHIDS to reach people before a behavioral health crisis arises and work toward eliminating stigma and health disparities among different groups. Since 2016, Sage has worked […]


This included Esperanza Academy (a charter middle and high school), a successful K-5 cyber charter school, mortgage counseling, a Christian college, a community development corporation, and workforce training programs. The organization was in the midst of a $6 million capital campaign to fund a performing arts and technology center, a digital media production facility, and […]


The Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance, known as MANNA, has been providing tailored meals and nutrition consulting to people with chronic illnesses since 1990. And the results are clear: prescribed diets and nutrition intervention help people heal. In 2019, MANNA decided to take its mission one step further to create the MANNA Institute—a center that […]

Honickman Foundation

Sage developed content for The Honickman Foundation’s first website and, seven years later, worked with partner Zero Defect Design to develop the new site. We continue to maintain the Foundation’s digital content. Sage also worked with philanthropist Lynne Honickman when she created Moms Against Illegal Guns, an LLC that provided support for an online information and […]

Mayor’s Task Force to Combat the Opioid Epidemic

In a city facing a severe opioid crisis—where overdoses involving illegal and prescription drugs are tragically a leading cause of death—Philadelphia’s Mayor Kenney decided to put words into action in 2017. His Mayor’s Task Force to Combat the Opioid Epidemic committed several months to listening sessions, research, and collaboration to identify ways to turn the tide […]

Pennsylvania Humanities Council (PHC)

The truth is that the humanities use history, arts, culture, literature, and conversation to help us make sense of the world we live in—and that the humanities belong to all of us. To create a new communications strategy for the Council, we started with perceptions research to see what Pennsylvanians know—and don’t know—about the humanities. […]

New Leash on Life

We’re also passionate about redemption and second chances. That’s why when New Leash on Life USA was ready to take its work to the next level, Sage was a perfect match to help develop and implement a strategic communications plan. New Leash matches prison inmates with at-risk shelter dogs for 12 weeks. The soon-to-be-released incarcerated […]

City of Philadelphia’s Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence

Families and individuals experiencing violence were not receiving optimal services either. The Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence in Philadelphia, a collective impact effort involving 24 public and nonprofit agencies to address the domestic violence crisis in Philadelphia, was conceived to address these concerns. Sage’s work helped to produce an internal strategy for the city’s […]

Project HOME

The impressive 28,600 square-foot Project HOME facility services the health and wellness needs of the formerly homeless and low-income communities of North Philadelphia. The grand opening ceremony celebrated the many public, private, nonprofit, philanthropic, and community partnerships that made the center possible. Lead donor and project visionary Stephen Klein was at the top of the […]

Shared Prosperity Philadelphia

That’s why, in 2013, then-Mayor Nutter’s administration developed a five-goal strategy, Shared Prosperity Philadelphia, through the Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment & Opportunity (CEO). The plan, now overseen by the Kenney administration, seeks to engage all Philadelphians in increasing opportunities and improving the quality of life for low-income families and individuals. We created a message […]

Jefferson College of Nursing

Even worse, there are few local options for care and prevention services. What the community needs—according to the Jefferson College of Nursing (JCN)—is a nurse-led health and wellness center to provide primary care and services, including behavioral health, nutrition education, smoking/drug cessation programming, and more. Sage worked with a team of Jefferson Nurses on a […]

Barra Foundation

It consistently tries to embody the innovative spirit in its grantmaking strategy by changing with the times and always looking for a better way of doing things. In 2014, the Board and the Foundation’s new leadership revised its approach to accomplish three goals: to inspire risk-taking, reward exemplary organizations poised for positive change, and foster […]